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Volunteers: Leading by example, strengthen communities

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Girl Scouts. These individuals are guiding the next generation of leaders, and helping our organization in its mission to help build girls of courage, confidence and character – and we need more of them.  

Girl Scouts founder Juliette Low said, “The work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are its makers.” We uphold this ideal by encouraging girls to serve and work in their own communities and create a better tomorrow. Your participation in Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma is leading by example by giving back to the community. You are living out the values of Girl Scouts by providing lessons and support. 

By becoming a volunteer and mentor, you’re also ensuring the success of Oklahoma youth. Mentees experience enhanced self-esteem and self confidence, form stronger relationships with parents and peers, and improve interpersonal skills. A report from youth.gov states mentored youth will often perform better in school and have a positive attitude. 

Not only will the girls thrive under your guidance, but community service has been shown to benefit volunteers. According to a report by the MayoClinic, community service can improve physical and mental health by reducing stress and providing a sense of purpose. In addition, volunteering can help cultivate new relationships and nurture existing connections. 

“We are grateful for the hard work of our volunteers across the state who help troops learn new skills and support girls as they become active members in their communities,” said Stephanie Deal, Chief Program Officer. “By volunteering with Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma, you are helping to inspire an entire new group of young leaders. That spark of inspiration can be ignited in so many different ways.”   

Whether you have a lot of time to give or just a few hours, you can help play a vital role in the lives of Girl Scouts. There are many different ways to support a troop or a larger community with your skills and your time. We assist our corps of volunteers through training opportunities and a supportive network of like-minded community servants. Find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you by completing this form, and a member of our team will reach out with more information. 

Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma